How I do it

Step 1 : Kick-Off

Together with all team- and department leads we do a workshop.

During this workshop we gather all challenges and bottlenecks your company encounters through the lifecycle of a brief.

Examples of challenges would be:
Incomplete briefs • Miscommunication between departments • Sketchy project tracking • Budget overshoot

These challenges can be categorized across:
• Workflows & systems
• Roles & responsibility
• People & Culture


Unlike most consultancies, I have a bottom-up approach. I work alongside your teams to get insights on the day-to-day operations.

I assess the current situation across departments and individuals that touch the brief lifecycle. I sit in on meetings, check how people communicate, how the fileserver is set up; and so on… 


I map out and benchmark your company's current performance against proven managerial and organisational models, true and test-of-time-defying agency processes and about two decades of experience in the field.

Instead of leaving you with a dust-gathering report, I develop a blueprint; planning and facilitate the implementation of sustainable improvements; from start to finish.

Step 2 : Assess & Strategise

Step 3 : Take the Leap

Change is good - But is often met with resistance.
I will implement the blueprint according to the MAYA-principle (Most Agreeable, Yet Advanced), afterall: slow and steady wins the race...". 

I monitor how these necessary changes are landing through surveys, one-on-one’s and by crosschecking results with the benchmarks and KPIs from Step 1 & 2. Implementing the improvements will take one month up to a year, depending on the complexity and/or size of the organisation. During this process, I will guide the leadership team and individual employees.

Small wins during the first weeks; like applying meeting agenda's or an onboarding roadmap will be a breath of fresh air. Big wins like new software or redefined roles & responsibilities will make everyone’s life a lot easier.

Step 4 : Evaluation, Finetuning & Coaching

After all improvements have been installed a two-step evaluation takes place to monitor the desired goals.
Restructuring a workflow like this can be quite invasive to employees, that’s why I coach leadership to get the best out of their people during this process.
During the final handover, the blueprint and other documentation is transferred, so you have everything to fall back on. After 3 months a second and last evaluation will take place to check if everything is still in working order.