Dear senior execs, We’ve seen it all...
Long hours, panic mode, creative blocks, tight-as-hell deadlines, incomplete briefs, subpar productions, off the cuff sign-offs, ego-tripping, frustration, void meetings, “we made it, despite all the mess”...
The current world we live in is still shaped by the curious and crazy ones. You’re one of them, that’s why you joined years ago...
Like me, you see the past decade or so hasn’t shown design and advertising that moves and shakes the world like it did ‘in the good old days’. You tell yourself grit and determination gives you head-turning, award-winning work.
However, it’s never been about that. It’s about collaboration, intelligence, craft and above all: creativity.
Katalist is here to take it back and help make your best work!
I scan the lifecycle of a brief and operations bottom-up and challenges across workflows, systems, roles, responsibilities, people and culture are ironed out over the course of a few weeks to months. This gives the creative-, studio-, and production departments free rein to do what they do best: create and craft to the best of their abilities.
As a result you will have a competitive advantage and a foundation for growth!